Pregnancy can be the happiest and also the most daunting moments in life. A woman goes through many changes physically and emotionally during her pregnancy. It is good to take good care during pregnancy so that able to make this experience a happy one. In this article, we are going to learn about 5 important tips you must be aware of when you are about to become a mother.

First is smoking. Everybody knows that smoking is not good for health. It's even more important when it comes to smoking during pregnancy. The only way the foetus receives the nutrients is from the mother, therefor as a mum it is not good to pass on toxins in tobacco to the baby. Tobacco smoke not only damages the mother's health, but also puts the baby at risk for serious health problems during and after birth.

Secondly, please avoid drugs and over the counter medicine during pregnancy. Aspirin might be useful when a headache comes but taken a lot can cause low birth weight, weaken a baby's nervous system, impair neurobehavioral development and cause other abnormalities.
Third thing to be careful is not to go for extreme sport or activities. Whether you are thinking of bungee jumping, mountain climbing, water rafting will have to wait as it is obvious that a pregnant woman's are not fit for these as well when having a bulging tummy.

Stress is harmful for pregnancy. This is another thing to look out for. Stress increases heart beat rate, raising body temperature, can cause nervous breakdown. Therefore it's a must to manage stress well during pregnancy. Sign up for yoga classes catered for pregnant ladies or meditation classes will help too. Listen to music as it soothes the soul, remember that doing happy things will chase stress away.

Lastly, junk food, fatty food and yoyo diet have to go. What is better than having a healthy, chubby, cheerful baby? Healthy diet is a must for mothers to be so if you have been eating badly all the while, its time to cut down on those fried, over processed food. Go for fresh, organic vegetables and fruits instead of the bag of Doritos if you have a tendency to snack whenever the cravings come.

Above all, enjoy the pregnancy. If you have done the right things, reward yourself by getting yourself some great maternity wear that looks good and always remember not to be stressful as it can be harmful to your health and future baby.

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