5 Tips To Prevent dandruff!!!!!!!

Dandruff is a common problem affecting many people. You see a lot of dandruff treatment creams, buy them and see no effect. Here are some home made recipes to prevent dandruff. Massage scalp with warm coconut oil. Use your finger tips. The massage should be done in a delicate manner. Dandruff prevention tips given here are to help you attain a dandruff free scalp with natural treatments only. 
The aim of massage is to increase blood circulation in the scalp. The strokes should be in a circular manner.
5 tips for fighting dandruff
  1. Lemon juice is having excellent anti dandruff property. But never use it directly on to scalp. Do mix it with coconut milk and apply this to your scalp. Let that remain there for not less than half an hour. Then wash with plain water.
  2. You might have been using mustard paste for salad dressing. The same mustard paste can be applied on scalp and let that remain for 10 minutes, and then wash out the paste. Repeat this once in three days for a month. What you get is a dandruff free scalp and those suffering from vascular head ache also get benefitted from this application.
  3. Regular application of curd for 15 minutes on daily basis will be an excellent cost effective ways for dandruff removal. Any sort of cooling packs like this may not be suitable for people who are prone to get rhinitis /common cold so frequently.
  4. Add one pinch of pepper powder to 3 table spoons of coconut milk and this can be applied to scalp and can be washed after half an hour.
  5. Never apply soap to your scalp.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your helpful tips on preventig dandruff - i will try some of those natural remedies
