FIT IT IN: Eat granolas and cereals that have a fiber content of at least 5 grams per serving; sprinkle 2 Tbsp ground flaxseed on cereals, salads, and yogurt; sub quinoa in for brown rice.

The past couple of weeks, say forecasters, could herald a blistering summer, but high temperatures do have their drawbacks.
Excessive heat, for instance, can seriously upset the body, causing irritability, sleep problems, exhaustion and lack of concentration, among other things.
But food and drink have a big part to play in helping your body keep cool and healthy during the heat. Here's what to stock in your fridge to survive the sizzling temperatures ...
Fruit with yoghurt: is an ideal combination for breakfast in really hot weather. Fruit, which has a high water content, will help maintain your body fluid, which will be lost more rapidly through sweat, the body's mechanism for cooling down in the heat.
Bio yoghurts can promote friendly gut bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. This protects against food poisoning, cases of which dramatically increase during hot temperatures when it is difficult to keep food fresh.

Vegetables: "It is vital to maintain your body's water levels in the heat, not just by drinking fluids, but also choosing foods that contain a lot of water," says Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George's Hospital, Tooting.
"Vegetables are obvious choices as they contain lots of fluid. Avoid boiling or steaming them for too long, as this depletes them of their water and nutrient content."

A baked potato or pasta salad: carbohydrate-rich foods can help to combat heat exhaustion. Dr Wendy Doyle, from the British Dietetic Association, recommends eating regular small, starchy carbohydrate snacks during the day, such as pitta bread, to keep your body's blood-sugar and energy levels even.
Other ideal carbohydrate foods include baked beans, rice, fruit, yoghurt and milk. And she advises us to eat spicy foods: "Although this may be the last thing you fancy in hot weather, curries and chillies can stimulate heat receptors in the mouth, enhance circulation and cause sweating, which cools the body down."

Tzatziki: the Greek dip combines yoghurt and cucumber, which has a water content of about 96.4 per cent.

Watercress: a rich source of minerals, including iron, which some nutritionists believe can be depleted through perspiration. A lack of iron can cause us to feel tired and lethargic. Other foods which contain this mineral include lean meat, fruit and green vegetables.

Mint: although mint does not cool the whole body down it is cooling on the tongue and therefore tastes refreshing in hot weather.

Onions: especially red ones contain a chemical called quercetin which is believed to have an anti-histamine effect. Histamine is the irritant that causes heat rashes and adverse reactions to insect bites and stings, so eating onions daily may help to ease these summer complaints.

Marinated meats on barbecues: marinades reduce the levels of cancer-risk chemicals being produced when meats are charcoaled black. Ms Collins explains: "Scientists aren't sure why this is, but they believe it could be because the ingredients in most common marinades are high in cancerfighting antioxidants.î These include vinegar, citrus juices, herbs, spices and olive oil.

Bananas: a rich source of potassium, which helps to regulate body fluid lost through excessive sweating. Other potassium-rich foods are green vegetables, baked beans, dried fruit and cereal.

Melons: Dr Doyle says that fruit is important in hot weather to bump up your fluid intake, and melons contain more

Summer means more outdoor exercise, but also beach, pool, and backyard parties with (let’s face it) lots of drinking. Plus, it’s hot, and (if you’re where we are) way too humid. We love a good summer afternoon barbecue, but heat waves and multiple mojitos can leave us feeling exhausted and sluggish. Foodtrainers to the rescue.

•    Water and White Tea, Not White Wine: Much of how we feel during the summer has to do with our hydration status. Both sweating and alcohol can dehydrate us, so pump up your water drinking with 2-4 cups more than your norm (10 cups a day for most people). And bad new: Avoid drinking at lunchtime altogether. That glass of wine or couple of beers at a midday barbecue is a surefire way to crash. Instead, we’re huge iced tea fans in warm weather. Try Republic of Tea brand tea bags with fresh mint or lemon or orange slices.

•    Olives and Pickles: Not what you’d expect from nutritionists, but we tell our active clients to include some salty foods in their summer food plan. This is something athletes are accustomed to and a trick we can all benefit from. Yes, sodium is the villain behind bloating, but it’s also one of the electrolytes lost via sweat. The key is striking that balance where you feel energized but not enormous. Note: Healthy salty foods only, so chips and the salt on your margarita don’t count. 1-2 healthy sodium sources a day is perfect during a heat wave.

•    Be Cool – as a Cucumber: Choose fruits and vegetables with high water content. In addition to cucumbers nothing says summer like a slice of watermelon. And cukes and watermelon even work well together.

•    M & M Smoothies: Don’t get too excited – last we checked, M&M’s didn’t have an anti-sluggish claim to fame. But smoothies are a refreshing way to get fluid into your breakfast or snacks. Our secret energy-boosting ingredients are matcha (a powdered green tea) and maca, which is a South American root with fatigue-fighting properties sold in powdered form.

•    Summer Soups: Nobody wants to eat anything hot and steamy in the summertime. Cold soups made from celery, sweet potatoes, or avocados are perfect warm weather meals. And don’t forget gazpacho. Think of summer soups as vegetable smoothies eaten with a spoon. You get a couple cups of much-needed liquid, and often potassium or B vitamins which help with mood and energy.

•    Stay in Good Humor: Ice cream may temporarily cool you down, but, sadly, it’ll leave you feeling like a summer slug. (Plus, it’ll blow your diet.) Instead, try frozen banana slices or frozen red grapes. And don’t roll your eyes until you try them, they’re really good.

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