How To Stop Belly Fat With Simple Tips
1. Cut down on alcohol drinking - We all heard the term Beer Belly, and it's not just a coincidence. Alcohol may contribute to weight gain because it is calorie and sugar rich. The sugar in alcohol is quickly converted to fat so I advise that you cut down on your alcohol intake as much as possible.
2. Cut down on excess sugary drinks - Alcohol isn't the only drink which is high in sugar. Most sodas are high in sugar and also contain chemicals with dubious qualities for your health. These include Coca-Cola, Sprite, RC cola, 7UP, and so on. But it doesn't stop there: processed juices are also infused with sugars and chemicals. Avoid them as much as possible, and it will be easier to stop your stomach fat.
3. Cut down on processed foods - Processed foods are made by industrial manufacturers. The problem is that they often contain chemical, preservatives, and high amounts of saturated and trans fat. The objective of the manufacturers is to make the dishes as tasty as possible and to have a long shelf life. However, we, as consumers, suffer from high fat and unhealthy foods in the process.
4. Eat light and often - It appears that it's not just the amount of calories that we eat each day, it's how often we eat them. Our body does better at digesting the food we eat when it comes in small portions. There are also other benefits to eating lightly such as metabolic maintenance, and higher energy levels. If you take the same amount and type of calorie that you normally eat each day and break them to 5-6 mini-meals and snacks, it will be easier for you to stop your tummy fat than if you would've eaten fewer larger meals.
5. Be active - To really stop belly fat and even to reduce it, I advise you to become more active than you are now. It doesn't have to be a major change. You can easily do just a little more activity like taking a walk once in a while, buying some light dumbbells for your home and lifting them in front of the TV, or playing softball with your child. Any activity burns calories and fat.
- Stay away from salt. Too much sodium is not only bad for your heart, it will cause you to retain water and feel bloated.
- Drink water. Being dehydrated is a sure way to cause you to retain water, so be sure you drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.
- Limit gassy foods. Some foods (such as lentis) reate more gases in your body than others, so you may want to limit them if you're about to suit up.
- Eat fiber. Fiber helps everything move through the intestines more quickly, which prevents constipation and bloating. If you're not accustomed to eating enough fiber, then slowly add more and more fiber to your diet; go too fast, and you'll feel even more bloated than before. Also make sure to drink plenty of water with all the fiber.
- Eat more slowly. One small cause of bloating could be that you're swallowing too much air when you're scarfing down your meals; this is why some of us get the hiccups when eating too quickly. Slow down when you eat and really chew your food. Remember what mom said: close your mouth when you chew.
- Get tropical. Eating pineapple can ease bloating too.This tropical fruit is high in the enzyme bromelain, which helps break down protein and eases digestion, helping to banish the bloat. Skip dessert and nosh on some pineapple instead.
Make use of these Tips which I proposed and you will be closer to stopping your belly fat.
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